Babel Licensing

Unlock the Power of Software’s Protection with Efficient Licensing

Licensing for .NET Application and Components

Babel Licensing is a comprehensive and robust licensing solution designed to empower software developers and companies with flexible and secure license management capabilities. Whether you’re an independent developer or part of a large enterprise, Babel Licensing provides the tools and infrastructure you need to effectively protect and monetize your software products.

General Features

Completely managed solution to build licenses for .NET applications and components

Babel Licensing offers a fully managed solution designed specifically for .NET applications and components, providing a comprehensive framework for the creation, deployment, and management of software licenses. This solution is tailored to meet the needs of developers working across all .NET environments, from traditional .NET Framework applications to latest solutions built with .NET.

Works with any .NET technology from .NET Framework to latest .NET 8.0

  • Microsoft .NET and .NET Core
  • Microsoft .NET Framework (v2.0 to v4.8)
  • NET Standard
  • Xamarin
  • UWP
  • Mono

Flexible licensing model

Choose from a range of licensing models to suit your business needs. Whether you require floating licenses for concurrent usage, activation-based licenses for offline environments, or file licenses for easy distribution, Babel Licensing has you covered. Customize license parameters and restrictions to align with your licensing strategy.

  • Trial licenses
  • Hardware-locked licenses
  • Feature-based licenses
  • Custom license restrictions
  • Customizable license fields

Centralized License Management

Manage your licenses efficiently through the Babel Licensing Services. Gain centralized control over license generation, activation, revocation, and deactivation. Monitor license usage, track activations, and ensure compliance across your customer base.

Enhanced Security Measures

Security is paramount when it comes to licensing. Babel Licensing implements industry-standard security measures to safeguard your licenses and intellectual property. Utilize RSA-based signature algorithms, encryption, secure communication protocols, and access controls to protect against tampering and unauthorized usage.

Can run on Windows, Linux and OSX

Whether your software is intended for Windows-based systems, Linux servers, or macOS devices, Babel Licensing offers the flexibility to protect and license your applications on these diverse platforms. This multi-platform compatibility allows you to reach a wider audience and cater to users using different operating systems without compromising on licensing functionality.

It perfectly matches with Babel Obfuscator to provide best in class security for any application running on .NET

By combining the power of Babel Licensing with Babel Obfuscator, you can ensure the utmost protection for your software. Babel Obfuscator helps safeguard your code against reverse engineering and intellectual property theft by applying advanced obfuscation techniques. It transforms your code into a highly secure and unreadable form, making it extremely difficult for hackers to understand and tamper with. The obfuscated code, combined with robust licensing mechanisms, creates a formidable barrier against unauthorized usage and piracy attempts.

NEW! WordPress Integration

Seamless WordPress Compatibility

Babel Licensing now integrates directly with WordPress, allowing you to manage software licenses within your WordPress environment seamlessly. This integration facilitates easy deployment of licensing operations directly from your WordPress dashboard, enhancing accessibility and convenience.

WooCommerce Support

Automatically create and manage licenses when orders are processed through WooCommerce. This integration ensures a streamlined workflow from sales to software delivery and licensing.

Automated Email Notifications

Configure and send customized email notifications through WordPress for events like new orders, license expirations, or updates. Utilize predefined templates or create custom ones to keep your customers informed throughout the licensing lifecycle.

Take control of your software licensing with Babel Licensing and unlock the full potential of your applications. Monetize your software while ensuring compliance and protecting your intellectual property. Get started with Babel Licensing today and experience a comprehensive licensing solution tailored to your needs.

Babel Licensing Service

Babel Licensing Service provides a robust set of features and capabilities to enforce licensing terms and efficiently distribute licenses to your customers.

License Generation and Activation

Generate unique licenses for your software products and enable seamless activation for your customers. With flexible options for license parameters, you can tailor the licensing experience to meet your specific needs.

License Validation and Enforcement

Ensure that only valid and authorized licenses are used by implementing robust validation mechanisms. Babel Licensing Services provides reliable license enforcement capabilities to prevent unauthorized usage and protect your revenue.

Floating License Support and License Activation

Empower your customers with the flexibility to activate and utilize floating licenses across multiple machines. Babel Licensing Services offers robust support for floating licenses, allowing sharing of licenses among authorized users. With the integrated license activation mechanism, users can easily activate and deactivate licenses as needed, ensuring efficient license utilization while maintaining control over license distribution. Enjoy the convenience of floating licenses and streamline the activation process with Babel Licensing Services.

Web API Integration Flexibility

Seamlessly integrate Babel Licensing Services into your software infrastructure, including desktop, server, and cloud-based applications. The solution offers various integration options, including API-based integration, making it adaptable to your specific software environment.

Experience peace of mind knowing that your software licenses are secure, your customers are properly licensed, and your revenue is protected. Streamline your license management processes and focus on delivering exceptional software experiences with Babel Licensing Services.

Unlock the full potential of your software licensing strategy with Babel Licensing Service. Get started today and take control of your software licenses with ease.

Licensing Database

The Licensing Database is a powerful component of Babel Licensing Service that provides a centralized and secure repository for storing and managing licenses. It serves as a central hub where license information, including activation status, usage data, and entitlements, is securely stored and easily accessible.

With the Licensing Database, you can efficiently manage and track all your licenses in one place. It offers a comprehensive set of features, including license generation, assignment, revocation, and expiration tracking. You can easily search, filter, and view license details, empowering you with complete control over your licensing operations.

Babel Licensing

Manage Software Licenses

Unlock efficient and secure software license management with Babel Licensing Service. Our platform offers a streamlined approach to generating, activating, and managing license keys, whether stored locally or in the cloud. Experience effortless control with features designed to simplify every aspect of license management.

Licensing Database

Tracking Customers And Orders

Babel Licensing offers a comprehensive archive for tracking customers, orders, and licenses, enabling you to query and visualize data through beautifully crafted reports. This powerful tool is designed to provide deep insights into customer behaviors, order trends, and license distribution, ensuring you can effectively manage and optimize these key aspects of your business operations.

Custom Reporting

Application Reporting

The Reporting feature in Babel Licensing is an integral component designed to offer users comprehensive access to application reports stored within the Babel Licensing database. This tool is crafted to provide detailed insights, enabling users to efficiently analyze and address application issues. It includes a wide range of reports that cover sales, orders, and license usage.

Entity Framework .NET Core

Web API Support

Babel Licensing now includes advanced Web API support, expanding your capabilities to interact with and manage licensing data programmatically. This feature enables seamless integration with external systems and applications, allowing for the automation of license generation, activation, and tracking processes. The API is designed for flexibility, supporting customizations and extensions to meet specific business needs.

WordPress Integration

Babel WordPress plugin bridges the gap between Babel Licensing and your WordPress site, enabling a streamlined management process directly within your WordPress dashboard. Whether you’re running a digital storefront with WooCommerce or managing a suite of software products, this integration simplifies the way you handle software licenses.

Babel Licensing Client Library

The Babel Licensing client library is a comprehensive solution that enables the integration of license validation and management functionalities into your applications. Built to complement Babel Licensing Services, this library provides a robust framework for implementing license-based access control and ensuring compliance with software licensing policies.

With Babel Licensing, incorporating license validation into your applications becomes a seamless process. You can easily integrate the library into your codebase, empowering you to enforce licensing rules and restrictions.

The client library offers a wide range of features, including license verification, activation and deactivation. You can effortlessly integrate license check-in/check-out mechanisms to control license usage and prevent unauthorized access.

How It Works

Babel Licensing can be easily integrated into your application with few lines of code. Just reference the Babel.Licensing package in your application and see how it easy to create and validate a license.

Install-Package Babel.Licensing -Version 10.0.0

dotnet add package Babel.Licensing –version 10.0.0

<PackageReference Include=”Babel.Licensing” Version=”10.0.0″ />

Our licensing library will take care to find the license, verify that the license has not been tampered with and that all the usage restrictions are met.

Create License

RSASignature rsa = new RSASignature();

string license = new XmlLicense()
              .LicensedTo("ACME", "")

Validate License

    XmlLicenseManager manager = new XmlLicenseManager();
    var lic = manager.Validate(license, typeof(Program));

    if (lic.IsTrial)
        var trial = lic.Restrictions.OfType().First();
        Console.WriteLine("Trial time left: {0}", trial.TimeLeft);
catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine("License not valid: {0}", ex.Message);

Babel Licensing offers comprehensive online documentation to assist users in understanding and leveraging the full potential of the licensing system. Our documentation serves as a valuable resource, providing detailed information, guides, and examples to support users at every step of their licensing journey.

License Restrictions

With Babel Licensing you can create different license usage restrictions. This allow you to create trial licenses or hardware locked licenses, choosing from many options. Please take a look at all the licensing restrictions available.

Trial Restrictions

Expire Date

Restrict use of the application to a defined date

Trial Days

Set the number of trial days for an application

Run Instances

Limit the number of instances that can run simultaneously

Usage Time

Allows the application to run for a defined period of time

Hardware Restrictions

Computer Name

Binds the application to a specific computer name


Allows use only on CPU with the specified ID

Ethernet Card

Check if the Ethernet card MAC address has changed

Hard Disk

Ties the application to the hard disk serial number


Restricts the usage to a specific BIOS


Ties the application to the current machine motherboard

Usage Restrictions

Virtual Machine

Whether to prevent the execution on a virtual machine

Design Time

Permits the usage only inside the Visual Studio designer

Process Name

Bind the license to the running process name



Restricts the license to a specific set of types or namespaces


Set a time limit for the beta period


Restricts the usage to a specific version or a version range


Customize your license restriction logic

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